Former Masters Student (
Educational History
Masters, Biomedical Engineering, FIU, 2011
B.S. in Biomedical Engineering, FIU, 2009
Current Phlebotomy Certification. Florida Career College. Since 2007
A.A Degree, BBC 2006.
Research Assistant in Dr. McGoron’s lab, 2007-2011
Project: “Application of a Novel Fluorescent Multiple Indicator Method to Study Changes in Cardiac Capillary Permeability due to Chemotherapy”
Developed and executed on schedule an experimental design to study the efficacy of a fluorescent multiple indicator method, and the interactions of chemotherapy in rats.
Project: “Ovarian Cancer Therapy Combining the Modalities of Hyperthermia and Chemotherapy”
Involved cell culturing, laser hyperthermia experiments, interpreting data from performed SRB assays and cell staining experiments using a fluorescent microscope.
Project: “Development of a GUI Matlab Algorithm to Process Pressure Waveforms and Fluorescent Multiple Indicator method data from Isolated Perfused Heart Experiments”
Brought an innovative direction to our research during the Norman R. Weldon Summer Research Internship contributing in increased organization, data collection and analysis, in a time efficient manner. Developed a GUI program successfully reduced data processing down time. Implemented filters and statistical tools to determine any statistical significance between data sets.
Project: “Animal washout studies with fluorescent dyes”
Collaborated with the assembly of a near infrared imaging system: laser, CCD camera, and software troubleshooting. Administered animal anesthesia and rat tail injections with fluorescent dyes.
Drug Biodistribution Study Video